Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Location

With the New Year of 2011, I look back at 2010 with great fondness for many reasons.  It marked my first full year in SL.  It's trials and tribulations have pushed me in a more aggressive manner to make much of what is a passion and obsession to something very much a huge part of my success in SecondLife.

Without the friends and now 'un'friends, I have now found the eagerness to continue to grow my world and expand my Gallery to a larger and much more roomier sim.  Without the help of my dear friend Gatsby, I wouldn't have been able to make this move. So with that, I thank him immensely.

The New Year brought a great turnout at the opening gala of the Erotic Gallery and at that point, I announced that the move was inevitable.  We can now be found at the Seduced Sim ( where right now, I am waiting for a new gallery building to be erected.

The release of my new book was also a large endeavor for me.  It is a limited time only and can only be found in the gallery first floor at this time. I provides a sensual version of the "Screw The Roses, Send Me the Thorns." book that most might be familiar with in the D/s community.  I hope they will enjoy it as much as I have making it.  I wish to also thank my model, Mysti, for she was a good sport and seemed to enjoy being flapped around like a rag doll in my studio!

Here is a sneak peak of the book cover:

Screw the Roses...
I want to wish you all a very happy New Year and hope that you all will stay tuned to see the new galley soon.  I will be announcing new exhibits and welcoming new artists to the Club ICE venue in hopes that we can enjoy other art throughout SecondLife!

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